by Luke Walker | Mar 27, 2023 | Articles, by Luke Walker, Marrow Ministries Free Content
The Value of the Old Testament, Part 1 The Value of the Old Testament, Part 2 The preceding objections, and many more which are constantly spewing forth, as it were, from the pits of Orthanc, must be dispatched with so that the exquisite beauty of the Old Testament...
by Luke Walker | Mar 22, 2023 | Articles, by Luke Walker, Marrow Ministries Free Content
The Value of the Old Testament, Part 1 In order for the Old Testament to hold any value for the church, it must first hold relevance for the church. Does any such relevance exist? The Old Testament is relevant because it is the foundation of the New Testament Church....
by Luke Walker | Mar 17, 2023 | Articles, by Luke Walker, Marrow Ministries Free Content, Uncategorized
To speak of the value of the Old Testament Scriptures is to speak of that which exceeds all riches. They are to God’s people as the excellent wife to Solomon: “far more precious than jewels” (Proverbs 31:10). Not surprisingly, the Old Testament is attacked in our...