In addition to a long, flowing mane, the noggin of English Puritan Stephen Charnock also produced a heavyweight, two-volume work on the attributes of God. It is considered by many to be “the work on the character and attributes of God.”[1] In volume one, he poses the...
Why Can’t We Fly?
Oh, we will. Just not yet. For now, life on Earth weighs us down. As one of our own poets has said: Only the gods can watch the earth twist I’m physically trapped down on the surface[1] The reason for this is, of course, the pesky force of gravity. But did you ever...
The Little Sprout that Will, Part 2
The Little Sprout that Will, Part 1 The prophet Isaiah goes on to forecast the promised rule of Christ, highlighting the righteousness of His reign. He says this One will render righteous judgments, for He will see things as they are. The Spirit of knowledge equips...
The Value of the Old Testament, Part 3
The Value of the Old Testament, Part 1 The Value of the Old Testament, Part 2 The preceding objections, and many more which are constantly spewing forth, as it were, from the pits of Orthanc, must be dispatched with so that the exquisite beauty of the Old Testament...
The Value of the Old Testament, Part 1
To speak of the value of the Old Testament Scriptures is to speak of that which exceeds all riches. They are to God’s people as the excellent wife to Solomon: “far more precious than jewels” (Proverbs 31:10). Not surprisingly, the Old Testament is attacked in our...
Crouching Wisdom, Hidden Insight
The title of the 2000 motion picture Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a translation of a Chinese idiom that “describes a place or situation that is full of unnoticed masters.”[1] Keeping one’s skills hidden is a classic aspect of Kung Fu lore. In legend, the person...
God Save the King
I am currently preaching through the life of King David in 1 and 2 Samuel. As every reader of the Bible knows, the stories of David are action-packed. His life was a bumpy ride with plenty of ups and downs (and downs and ups). He is often within a step of death. But...
The Little Sprout That Will, Part 1
Isaiah was called by the Lord and tasked with prophesying, among other things, destruction and woe to his people and also to the nations. When he asked the Lord how long he should do so, the Lord replied, “Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without...
The Value of the Old Testament, Part 2
The Value of the Old Testament, Part 1 In order for the Old Testament to hold any value for the church, it must first hold relevance for the church. Does any such relevance exist? The Old Testament is relevant because it is the foundation of the New Testament Church....
Break Every Chain
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien is a compilation of short stories from the deep past of his sub-creation, Middle-Earth. My personal favorite selection from this volume—the tale of Fingon and Maedhros (MAY-thross)—is found in chapter 13, “Of the Return of the...