A hymn based on Ecclesiastes
Sung to the tune of Wayfaring Stranger

Verse 1
Beneath the sun my soul is sighing:
how brief a vapor is my life!
My gain is gone, my days are dying.
I chase the wind and stir up strife.
Why is my life, O God, not fruitful?
Will nothing last that I have done?
Life is unfair, for all is futile.
There’s nothing new beneath the sun.
Verse 2
I told myself, “Perhaps some pleasure
will fill the void within my soul.
Perhaps hard work or gaining treasure
will make me wise and not a fool.”
But my delight turned into sorrow,
transformed before my very eyes.
What charms today dissolves tomorrow.
Earth never fully satisfies.
Verse 3
There is a season under heaven,
a task and time for everything.
I cannot grasp the span I’m given,
or know what future days will bring.
Time is not mine to store or squander:
life is God’s gift to everyone.
Go, eat and drink in joy, yet ponder
the work of wisdom He has done.
Verse 4
The wise embrace the house of mourning,
for days are not like wealth to spend.
But fools reject the fateful warning:
the grave will greet us in the end.
What words of woe await the wicked?
Will they escape the judgment throne?
The Shepherd will condemn the crooked:
exposing all, excusing none.
Verse 5
Our joy is tempered by frustration
amid the earth’s futility,
but God will soon renew creation,
His plan from all eternity.
So the conclusion of the matter:
fear God and do as He commands.
We will remember You, Creator!
Our souls and works are in Your hands.

Annotated Version (Scripture References)

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