“I feel thin…. stretched. Like butter scraped over too much bread.” Pastors can relate to Bilbo’s comments here. Pastoral ministry can wear a man thin, stretching and straining him. Paul expressed something similar as he dealt with the issues in the church of Corinth...
Why Pilate?
Three people get shoutouts in the Apostle’s Creed: Jesus, Mary, and Pontius Pilate. We hardly need to puzzle over why Jesus is included. It is, after all, the Creed of His Apostles. The Virgin Mary’s inclusion is likewise unsurprising; if you mention someone (after...
Rejecting the Echo Chamber
Over the past few months, I have witnessed a spate of curious memes on the pages of theological groups I am a part of on social media; perhaps you’ve seen them, too. The memes to which I refer are the ones that give headshots of various theologians, amongst which are...
Saheed Adepoju: My Journey to the United States and the Path to Faith
Saheed Adepoju was born into a Muslim family with a mother who, although nominally Christian then, became more devout as the years passed. As a young boy, around 12 or 13, Saheed first read the Gospel, finding it easy to understand due to its English language....
Spiritual Astigmatism
In late December 2016, my wife, Dana, and I went to the optometrist for the first time in eons. We both needed new prescription glasses, and our vision insurance through my school was crying to be used before the year’s end. I knew that my old lenses were not getting...
A Bite-Sized Theology
An Appeal for Catechesis for Communion With God “Dead Artifacts” Catechesis is dead. The catechisms of the Reformation have become like bookholders that point us to a past time. They have become like trophies that symbolize the Reformed tradition’s past theological...
Sharing Fences Instead of Building Walls
Most Christians are likely saddened when we hear folks in our local fellowships speak with disdain about doctrine. It’s not uncommon for saints in our midst to miss the point of what doctrine is and, regrettably, to be unaware of its inherent value and goal. Properly...
God in a Nesting Doll
Don’t Put God in a Box God in a box. We’ve all heard it. Don’t do it under any circumstances. Do not put God in a box! I get the sentiment, kinda. The saying seems to be trying to tell people, “God can do anything, literally anything. So don’t put limits on him. Let...
Pastor Sisyphus
Pastor S glances at his boulder for a moment and then at the well-worn trail leading up the mountain. He shuts his eyes against the discouraging sight, leans his shoulder into the stone, and begins… A pastor needs to know theology. If he cannot obtain a Master of...
The All-Sufficient Christ
I am a bi-vocational pastor, and for my full-time job, I am a plumber. I have been a plumber for just over eight years. One of the things you quickly learn as a plumber is how important it is to keep your glue joints clean. The glue used to seal together fittings and...