Lux In Tenebris (LIT) – A Mission to Nigeria

Apr 7, 2023 | Articles, by Guest Writers, Marrow Ministries Free Content

Lux In Tenebris (Latin: Light in Darkness) began in 2021 to support reformed faith work in Nigeria by facilitating the provision of theological training and financial and material resources to pastors, churches, and laymen. Our goal is to help spread the preaching of the true gospel in Nigeria, and we are doing this by utilizing a three-pronged approach: Provide Sound Biblical Resources, Theological Training, and Financial Support.

By 2022 we had donated over 8,000 books (valued at $185,000), funded reformed theological education initiatives, sponsored a conference and a mission trip to the tune of $25,000, and supported missionary pastors and pastoral interns on a monthly basis. Last fall, I was in Nigeria to teach a class on Biblical Theology to students at Grace and Truth Theological Seminary in Lagos. I spoke at a conference for young people, we did street evangelism on the campus of the University of Lagos, and I preached in three of the reformed Baptist churches in Nigeria. All of this happened within the first 18 months of our incorporation.

Savannah to Savanna

“Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:16-18).

Although I’m the founder and president of LIT, the beginning of LIT can be traced to the obedience of a man who was the Pastor of a small church in Rincon, Georgia, Nick Kennicott. Nick came to Egbe, a rural town in North-Central Nigeria, to start a gospel work to train pastors. We met for the first time at a Pastor’s conference in 2012, where he was the main speaker. I was then a missionary from South-West Nigeria. The Institute of Pastoral Theological Training (IPTT) started in 2013, and I enrolled as a Charismatic New Apostolic Prophetic Movement Pastor. Three years later, I graduated as a Reformed Baptist 1689 confessional believer. I was the first Master’s graduate of the institute and valedictorian of the first graduating class in 2016 class. In 2017 my family and I moved to the United States, and we joined the local church Nick was pastoring at that time, Redeemer Baptist Church. Today I’m an elder in the church that helped plant and financially support the institution and paid for my theological education. Since I left Nigeria, I never cease to pray for the gospel work in Nigeria. In 2021, LIT was birthed with Romans 10:14-17 in mind and the aim to help raise faithful men (2 Timothy 2:2) who will proclaim the true gospel of Christ. I shared the vision with Damilare Adeoye, a Nigerian-American like myself, who I got to know through Nick, and he talked about how he had the same burden for Nigeria. Again, Nick Kennicott was there to help take the delivery of the vision.

About 51 percent of Nigeria’s population are Muslims, which is more than the population of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Share on X

Why Nigeria?

I’d like to draw your attention to a strategic African nation that often does not get enough attention from reformed churches in the West. I’m sure some of you are aware of what I’m about to share but might not have given much thought to it.

Nigeria is the most populous black nation in the world, with a population of over 220 million people,[1] over 500 languages spoken, and 250 ethnic groups. About 42 percent of her population is below 15 years old, and 20 percent is between 15-24 years.[2] About 51 percent of Nigeria’s population are Muslims, which is more than the population of the Islamic Republic of Iran.[3] Think about that: Nigeria has more Muslims than Iran! More Muslims in Nigeria than in Egypt, an Islamic country and the most populous country in North Africa, and more Muslims in Nigeria than in Turkey. Another interesting but disturbing fact, especially in southern Nigeria, is that if a rock is thrown as far as is humanly possible, it will more than likely land on the roof of a health and wealth gospel-preaching church.[4] Nigeria is the hub of the false gospel in Africa. Hence the need to spread the preaching of the true gospel of Christ.

But there’s hope, and light is shining in this darkness. In the last two decades, the number of 1689 reformed Baptist churches have grown, but it’s still a drop in the ocean. The number of reformed churches in Nigeria is less than ten. Nigeria needs your help.

This article is about telling the story of LIT, but there’s another important part of this article I didn’t see when I was asked to write it. That part is simply put: A seed sown over a decade ago is now bearing fruit. From Savannah, Georgia, a man who obeyed the great commission went to one of Savanna’s belts in Nigeria and established a theological Institute. About a decade later, the fruit of that labor is also doing the same from Savannah, Georgia, to all of Nigeria.

There’s still a lot to be done; supporting indigenous missionary pastors and pastoral interns monthly, translating sound biblical literature to Nigerian languages, and supporting the planting of reformed churches across Nigeria.

Great is the harvest in Nigeria, and I ask that you join LIT in this work. You and your church can partner with LIT by going to the LIT website and donating to this cause. To learn more about Lux In Tenebris, Click Here or send an email to Lux In Tenebris is a 501c3 charitable organization; all donations are tax-deductible.




[4] I used to be a Muslim, born and raised in South-West Nigeria. This is not only what I saw growing up but also contributed to when I became a Christian. I used to be a member of a Pentecostal Church whose General Overseer had a goal to have a member of his church in every household, and they came up with an aggressive church planting plan to plant churches 5 minutes apart from one another. Andrew Rice wrote about it in the New York Times back in 2009 RCCG.

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