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Where Dead Men Come to Find New Life
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Seeing Ain’t Believing
"Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. But Jesus on his part did...
Sharing Fences Instead of Building Walls
Most Christians are likely saddened when we hear folks in our local fellowships speak with disdain about doctrine. It’s not uncommon for saints in...
Pastor Sisyphus
Pastor S glances at his boulder for a moment and then at the well-worn trail leading up the mountain. He shuts his eyes against the discouraging...
The All-Sufficient Christ
I am a bi-vocational pastor, and for my full-time job, I am a plumber. I have been a plumber for just over eight years. One of the things you...
Lux In Tenebris (LIT) – A Mission to Nigeria
Lux In Tenebris (Latin: Light in Darkness) began in 2021 to support reformed faith work in Nigeria by facilitating the provision of theological...
Why Can’t We Fly?
Oh, we will. Just not yet. For now, life on Earth weighs us down. As one of our own poets has said: Only the gods can watch the earth twist I’m...
God in a Nesting Doll
Don’t Put God in a Box God in a box. We’ve all heard it. Don’t do it under any circumstances. Do not put God in a box! I get the sentiment, kinda....
God Save the King
I am currently preaching through the life of King David in 1 and 2 Samuel. As every reader of the Bible knows, the stories of David are...
Three Days Remain
A Poem for the Triduum Paschal (Great Three Days)[1] Wisdom she shines, but misunderstood. Glorious plans for tomorrow. Impossible dreams come...
The Little Sprout that Will, Part 2
The Little Sprout that Will, Part 1 The prophet Isaiah goes on to forecast the promised rule of Christ, highlighting the righteousness of His reign....